A country that I want to go.

I want to visit United Kingdom!

I really want to visit United Kingdom!

Links for United Kingdom:

United Kingdom wikipedia (United Kingdom has a population of about 68 million people)

Here is a nice YouTube video ( with many ideas) : 

There are many things I want to do!Here are my top5:

1-I want to visit Buckingham palace.
2-I want to visit  Westminster Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.
3-I want to watch football.
4-I want to ride the London Bus.
5-I want to drink authentic afternoon tea.

Here's google map of United Kingdom:

Thank you for reading my blog!!!

If you have more ideas about South Korea!! Please write them to me!!!


  1. United Kingdom is very good country. If I have chance, I want to go to there.

  2. I think that United Kingdom is so beautiful place. I want to visit here by your post.

  3. i want to enjoy drinking authentic afternoon tea and having scorn.

  4. I want to go to United Kingdom. I want to see Big Ben.

  5. I would like to visit London at least once.

  6. London is great city! I want to get on the London bus someday!




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