product review

 Product Review

Anker Sound Core Speaker review


・You can listen to music at high volume and high quality just by connecting it
   your smartphone.

・The reatail price for Anker Sournd Core Speaker was around 5,000yen.


✤Super High sound quality✤

✤long play time✤

✤Compact size✤

(Pros and Con)

(-)It runs out of charge quickly and is prone to failure
(+)Conforatable Bluetooth connection and clear sound quality
(+)Cheaper and better quality than other speakers
(+)Long battery life


I give this speaker a score of 9/10.

Although this speaker is cheaper than other speakers, it si very easy to use and the sound quality is good. If anyone is wondering which speaker to buy, I definitely want them to buy this speaker.


  1. I don't have good speakers so I want one!

  2. I was surprised that despite high quality, it is a low cost.

  3. I have same product too. Speaker leads us to enjoy!!

  4. This is a nice compact size.




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