Analysis of research prior to offering ride-sharing services

 Analysis of research prior to offering ride-sharing services

Analysis of research prior to offering ride-sharing services

My reseach topic: ride-sharing services
Taget: students attending the Sanda Campus
Number of respondents: (14)

Summary: Students answered 6 qustions about ride-sharing services



Graph #1 shows that 13 2nd grade students and 1st grade student answered.


Graph #2 shows that the Faculty of Policy Management answered. 


Graph#3 shows that most people use the bus to go to Sanda campus. This probably becasue Sanda campus is surrounded by nature. In other words, they caanot come to school without using the bus.


Ghraph#4 shows that many students who use the bus feel that the bus fare is expensive. Another problem is that there are too many people in the bus. As it has progressed since then, even with these concerns, there is no choice but to use the bus. 


Graph #5 shows that most people, even with ride-sharing services, can ride cheaper than bus, and even college students won't ride in stranger's cars. However, some students answered that they would use it, suggesting that there is a certain level of demand.

I want to ask only people who drive to school for graph #6, but I can't say anything because people who use buses also respond.

Many of the students at the Sanda Campus use buses, and are worried about the high transportation costs. I was able to prove that there is a certain demand for the ride-sharing service that solves this problem.


  1. Cost of the bus is very expensive. Some results are interested for me.




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