
Educational Game Review

 Educational Game Review Game Review Recently, I've been playing a new game. It's called "8 Ball POOL". You can play it for free online. Click here to try it!!! (Goal of the Game) You can experience billiards on the game. In order to get the ball into the hole, it is necessary to consider where to hit the ball, how hard to hit it, and where to hit the ball. (Pros + and Cons -) (+)Players can learn force movements on the ball. (+)The game is hars to master, but very easy to play...just click and adjust power and angle. (-) People who don't know the rules of billiards may find it difficult. (Rating) I give this game 7 /10, I would reccommend it to those who are interested in space. You can always teach younger players about gravity using this game.

Analysis of research prior to offering ride-sharing services

  Analysis of research prior to offering ride - sharing services Analysis of research prior to offering ride - sharing services My reseach topic: ride-sharing services Taget: students attending the Sanda Campus Number of respondents: (14) Summary:  Students answered 6 qustions about  ride-sharing services (Results) #1 Graph #1 shows that 13 2nd grade students and 1st grade student answered. #2 Graph #2 shows that the Faculty of Policy Management answered.  #3 Graph#3 shows that most people use the bus to go to Sanda campus. This probably becasue Sanda campus is surrounded by nature. In other words, they caanot come to school without using the bus. #4 Ghraph#4 shows that many students who use the bus feel that the bus fare is expensive. Another problem is that there are too many people in the bus. As it has progressed since then, even with these concerns, there is no choice but to use the bus.  #5 Graph #5 shows that most people, even with ride-sharing services, can ride c

Servey of Carpool Service at Sanda Campas

  Servey of Carpool Service at Sanda Campas      Please ansewer!! 読み込んでいます…

Ice Cream Survey

 Ice Cream Survey Please answer my survey! 読み込んでいます…

My Invention

 My Invention C o l o r C o n t a c t Subscripition Business "Color Palette" (Original Problem & Idea / Solution) Color contact lences are a very popular product, especially among young women. However, it is only sold for 10 days and costs about 2,000 yen per box. In addition, there are thousands of different types and colors of color contact lenses, and if you don't like them, you end up with extra ones, which is a waste of money.   My invention makes it possible to efficiently find color contact that suit you and eliminate the waste of color contact lenses. (Specifics) PlanA Up to 4 tickets per month (for 2 days) : 480 yen / 1 month  ( For people who wear it 2-3 times a month) PlanB Up to 14 tickets per month (for 7 days) : 1480 yen / 1 month ( For people who wear it once or twice a week) PlanC Up to 50 tickets per month ( for 25 days) : 4980 yen / 1month ( For daily wearers)              

product review

  Product Review Anker Sound Core Speaker review (overview)    ・You can listen to music at high volume and high quality just by connecting it    your smartphone. ・The reatail price for Anker Sournd Core Speaker was around 5,000yen. (feauture) ✤Super High sound quality✤ ✤long play time✤ ✤Compact size✤ (Pros and Con) (-)It runs out of charge quickly and is prone to failure (+)Conforatable Bluetooth connection and clear sound quality (+)Cheaper and better quality than other speakers (+)Long battery life (rating) I give this speaker a score of 9/10. Although this speaker is cheaper than other speakers, it si very easy to use and the sound quality is good. If anyone is wondering which speaker to buy, I definitely want them to buy this speaker.

A country that I want to go.

I want to visit United Kingdom! I really want to visit United Kingdom! Links for United Kingdom: United Kingdom wikipedia  (United Kingdom has a population of about 68 million people) Introduction of sightseeing spots   Here is a nice YouTube video ( with many ideas) :  There are many things I want to do!Here are my top5: 1-I want to visit Buckingham palace. 2-I want to visit  Westminster Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. 3-I want to watch football. 4-I want to ride the London Bus. 5-I want to drink authentic afternoon tea. Here's google map of United Kingdom: Thank you for reading my blog!!! If you have more ideas about South Korea!! Please write them to me!!!